a few evenings ago i thought about starting a whole new blog that would feature photos of obscure juxtapositions, bizarre ironies, and mocking hyperboles. i would call this blog, 'laughing to myself', since i often find myself smirking, smiling, or outright snickering when i encounter such situational comedies. the specific incidence that sparked this idea occurred while concomitantly stir frying leftovers and cleaning out my freezer.
i like to freeze to preserve many things. this ensures that, if a time came when i would like to enjoy that thing again, it would merely need to be thawed and boom -it would be back as good as new...hopefully. among the things i like to freeze are chocolate and goldfish. jan, the goldfish in the photo above, was flash frozen about two months ago. he was one of my favorite fish - he swam with enthusiasm, ate the vegetables that i couldnt bear to face, and never ever had a string of dangling poo. so i decided that instead of leaving him to be eaten by the angry cichlids in the tank, i would preserve him for a time when no other fish in his swimming proximity were on the attack.
unfortunately, however, when i took him out of the freezer to defrost and to bounce back to normalcy, he thawed as planned but did not regain the spunk i once admired from him. i shed a tear...and a sob, then put on my recall cap. (thinking back, i should have slowly coaxed his cells into hibernation by feeding him a 10% glycerol solution instead of throwing him straight into the freezer and straight into a state of shock). next time i will plan more carefully.
fortunately for me, but not for jan, i was able to find humor in the situation. call it morbid. call it callous. but i found myself smiling when i positioned my favorite goldfish on a plate next to my stir fry ingredients.
although i have decided not to devote an entire blog to internal laughter, i thought it was warranted to devote at least one entry to the topic. do you ever laugh to yourself? what situations cause your cavernous cackles? hopefully your encounters aren't quite as sinister as the example i just purported.
tactfully, i've decided to thaw the chocolate next time i'm cleaning my freezer.
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