shoe choice. your selection is determined by when, where, and how intensely you search. it's also abstractly based on more subjective criteria…such as your initial attraction to the pair of shoes, how they compliment your personality, their level of comfort, and finally, their sustainability.
everyone has sole mates out there. but WHERE? are they at your local Wal-mart, at Modell’s, at Neiman Marcus? are they delivered to your doorstep? --where you look for shoes will definitely affect which ones you pick to add to your wardrobe.
another factor that contributes to finding shoe companionship is WHEN you search for a new pair. do you shop when you feel sad? do you go to the store with confidence and determination? how about when there is a sale, or when the new designs are released? both mood and the ever-changing availability of shoes affects what you come home with at the end of the day.
and the INTENSITY of your search definitely affects the quality of the shoe you finally find yourself with. going shopping with a strong intensity, that includes exhaustive and comprehensive searching, might end in a different choice than approaching the search with weak intensity. in fact, one or both levels of intensity might result in no new shoes at all.
at first glance, it seems like there are an infinite number of shoes to pick from in the world -- and many that you might find yourself compatible with on one level or another. however, once you narrow down the selection to those that you encounter in your lifetime, the pool becomes much smaller. when it comes down to it, it seems that one has to pick the pair of shoes that fits the most snugly at any given time and then, as and if they begin to hurt, apply band aids and/or remove them for brief intervals.
a very important aspect of choosing shoes that you must steer away from, however, is choosing those that are already on someone’s feet. if you took them, you would only be kicking yourself in the end.
How about sole hopping? While testing a new pair of exercise shoes I discovered, people use hopping as a method to determine a worthy foot purchase. Shoe stores are not usually stadium size so people will walk then hop in place. Perhaps its a shoe store secret that by hopping, all the blood rushes in and out of the consumer's head and they become more susceptible to slick shoe store slogans. Such as, achieve New Balance.
you're totally right, hopping is most definitely a method of testing a shoe's worth. ...but you must ask yourself how you think the shoe would feel about this?!?! :)
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