I sat in a window seat to one side of the plane’s wing. The earphones to my ipod were nestled snugly in the center crater of my ears. And I sat comfortably but stolid as Madonna’s ‘Erotica’ pumped into my auditory canal. The plane was about to take off, and I had this (wonder of an) album playing as my departure soundtrack.
Rome was amazing. More than I could have imagined. And I am not yet sure what I can contribute its allure to. … the people that I traveled with, the quaint nature of the neighborhood restaurants, or the city’s intense history and extensive column displays (see photo). Or all of the above? ...And it wasn’t clear at the time but now, looking back, I know that there isn't a song in the world that could express or enhance the excitement, the enjoyment jitters, or the extra hops involuntarily added to my steps, as I breathed in Rome.
While still taxiing around the airport runway, an AirFrance stewardess kindly but sternly asked me to please ‘éteignez votre artifice électronique’. Grudgingly, I turned off Erotica. I was angry. I had to sit in silence!?! I had to do absolutely nothing until we were at 20,000 feet? That could end up being, like, 5 whole minutes!
Out of sheer boredom, I glanced out of the window. As the plane lightly bounced off Italian ground, I stared out of the window. And as we got higher and higher, I couldn't take me eyes off the view from out of the window. The emotions I felt as I looked down upon the world on which we live was beyond beautiful. I had tingles in my spine. I had an extra beat to my heart. I had excitement flowing through my blood.
Erotica would have doused my inner fire.
…Not necessarily because Erotica was cool for only 2 months in 1992 but rather because no album in the world could have heightened my emotional foray with earth’s simplistic beauty.
Now don’t get me wrong, I do think that some parts of life benefit from a soundtrack. But there are others that are beautiful enough on their own to warrant your brain's full attention.
Are there any parts of your life that can play soundtrack-free?
1 comment:
Nighttime bike rides made me think of Nick Drake's "Pink Moon". I think it was also a Volkswagen commercial. I know that cause I'm hip. And with it.
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