How to shuck an oyster:
Put on a glove.
Put on a glove. Grab an oyster.
Put on a glove. Grab an oyster. Slide a knife into the seam separating top and bottom shells.
Put on a glove. Grab an oyster. Slide a knife into the seam separating top and bottom shells. Twist.
Put on a glove. Grab an oyster. Slide a knife into the seam separating top and bottom shells. Twist. With the blade, dislodge muscle from the top shell.
Put on a glove. Grab an oyster. Slide a knife into the seam separating top and bottom shells. Twist. With the blade, dislodge muscle from the top shell. Discard the top shell, cut muscle from bottom shell.
Put on a glove. Grab an oyster. Slide a knife into the seam separating top and bottom shells. Twist. With the blade, dislodge muscle from the top shell. Discard the top shell, cut muscle from bottom shell. Serve on ice.
Rinse. Repeat.
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