
scrabble for weight loss

my brain felt like my body does after i finish a long, fast run.

i left the library yesterday fatigued. exhausted. drained. and at no time previously in the day had i expended any physical energy. all i had done was read, and read, and write. and following, my brain begged for a cot and a pillow to rest in for the evening.

instead, i fed it sushi. and i recovered nicely.

why did this work? apparently, as i read last night, the brain functions almost entirely on glucose. and although i couldn't find any reputable journal articles showing how much glucose it burns relative to say, a long fast run, i am sure, from personal experience, that the two activities use approximately the same amount of energy. therefore, by eating sushi, i was able to replenish my brain glucose levels to that of my pre-reading state.

so, the moral of this story is, if it's raining and cold outside and you need a good workout, do one of the following: read, write, think critically, or play scrabble.

and in case you're interested, i am ALWAYS free for a word duel. followed by either sushi or chocolate, of course.

1 comment:

Mark said...

How about oysters & beer? =) This Sunday! Sofia is coming.